Orta's Mound (Background) May 13, 1203: While reading his Manual of Quickness of Action, Quinlan has discovered a clue the location of powerful artifact for the cause of good. Hidden in the Manual is an old parchment that contains a clue to where this artifact may be found. Hand written notes on the parchment adds to its authenticity. Whether this clue a blessing or a curse remains to be seen, but no doubt adventure awaits!! The clue reads as follows: Hence was a great battle between the forces of good and utter Destruction. Great was the power of Destruction, but many were the servants of good and strong was their resolve. Tested, they were, but The Light protected them. For, The Light holds back Destruction and Destruction cannot prevail against it. But the The Light has been lost and forgotten from the memory of men. The Cairn of Traft holds the secret to The Light for it’s location lies beneath Parkington Lane. ![]() Completed Adventure May 20, 1203: A party consisting of Steven, Quinlan, Renchor, Calee, and Lady are joined by two new members, a Rogue named Victor Inox and a Mystic Theurge named Davik. After a brief discussion, the party decides to follow the clue found by Quinlan and head for the Port City of Traft. While in Traft, the visits the city hall and party discovers the location of the Catacombs, an old burial cairn located about a day from Traft. May 23, 1203: The party discovers The Catacombs and begins searching for the location of the next clue. Under Steven’s directions, the party resists the urge to explore the burial mounds here and quickly discovers the tomb of Parkington Lane and the next clue on their quest to discover The Light. They are to travel from Traft across Lake Quag then make their way inland. May 24, 1204: After traveling across Lake Quag, the party discovers a small supply ship docked where they need to start their overland journey. The ship is tied to a new dock and it appears there has been much activity here. After questioning the ship’s crew, the party learns that another group of adventurers has ferrying supplies and building materials to location inland. May 24, 1204: The party heads into the forest following a fresh cut path, large enough for wagons, oxen, and other livestock for about a day. The next morning, they discover a stone about 300 feet tall that overlooks Lake Quag. Steep cliffs and vegetation surround the hillock, but a set of wood stairs that zigzags up the cliff face has been set into one side of the cliff. At the top of the mound is large winch-like mechanism that is most likely used for lifting large items to the top. When the party arrives at the top of the mound, they discover the remains of a keep that is being rebuilt by a novice band of adventurers. After the introductions are made, the party learns that this novice group consists of party leader Alex Swift, a Paladin of Tyr, a Ranger named Morgan, Keisha, a priestess of Thor, Shelvina Quibel, an elven wizard, and Gordon Jones, a human rogue. This novice band of adventurers has cleared and inhabited the first 2 levels of the keep and are in the process of rebuilding the structure. After much discussion and during a private meeting with Steven, Alex admits that his group has found something on the third level of the complex. After a little coaxing, Alex allows Steven to view the item and Steven discovers a set of rune carved steel gray doors that are being held closed by some type of holy power that is being radiated from a sword that has been plunged, tip first, into the floor a few feet in front of the door. The door is engraved with warnings written in the common tongue. “Do not release the evil contained here. Stephen Strong” “Great was the battle that stopped the Pryor. Canyo Strong” “Do not wake that which sleeps. Eli the Iceman” “Held behind these doors is a minion of the Horde. Beware!! Kamos Dagi”.Could this sword be The Light and what of Destruction? Alex has heeded the warnings engraved on the door and has warned his group that the third level of the complex is off limits, must not be entered, and the sword must not be disturbed. This assurance, however, does not convince Steven, Quinlan, Calee, or Davik and after lengthy discussions, arguments, and negotiations, it is decided that Steven will battle Alex in a dual to the death; the winner will claim the keep and whatever treasures or horrors may be lurking within. It is also agreed that if Alex should be defeated, his group and followers will be allowed to leave in peace. As expected, the battle is a quick one; Alex is no match for the mighty and powerful Steven. Although Keisha, Morgan, Shelvina, and Gordon are shaken and angered by this turn of events, they respect Alex’s wishes, pack their supplies, Alex’s body, and leave Orta’s Mound. May 26, 1204: It is decided that only select party members will investigate the door. Although there is much debate as to who or what may lie behind it, the group decides that it’s just too risky to claim the sword and release Destruction. As the party debates on the best course of action, another question is asked, “What should be done with those who already know that something powerful is located at Orta’s Mound?” With this question still unanswered, Davik teleports back to the supply ship kills the crew and prepares an ambush for Alex’s friends and followers. The battle is short and direct. Davik unleashes dark magic that sniffs the life from his less powerful adversaries. Those who are not killed outright are no match for Davik’s other powers. A total of 37 men and women lost their lives to evil and vile Davik. To make matters, those party members of good alignment lacked the courage to confront Davik about his murderous ways. There are some discussions about Davik’s actions, but in the end, the bodies were stripped and the remains buried in the woods. The weak cry no more. May 26, 1204: Unsettled by Davik’s actions, and unsure what to do next, the party decides to return to Orta’s Mound and lay waste to the keep. An Earth Elemental is summoned and the keep is pummeled by the creature until only a pile of broken stones remain. Saddanar and Calee create Walls of Stone to protect the sword room in hope that it will not be discovered for another 1,000 years. May 28, 1204: The party returns home hoping that the Light is safe and wondering how much of their goodness has been left at Orta’s Mound. It is decided that Davik should seek another group to adventure with as his ways are not the ways of the party. One has to wonder, how safe is The Light now that Davik knows its location? |
Orta's Mound Player's Map